Dingli BA28HRT
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● Below ground reachable, large range of horizontal outreach
● Large load, strong power, easy maintenance, high chassis, great energy saving, stable control, easy transport
● Family modular design, the whole series is developed on the same platform base, 90% of the main components and more than 95% of the structural parts are common, lowering the storage cost and making the maintenance more efficient
● Range extended hybrid boom series comes with a 80V (420Ah) lithium battery pack, the build-in universal range extender enables the machine to generate electricity when there are no external charging facilities on site. Combined with a tank of fuel, the range extender, which charges the lithium batteries, ensures the machine can be used for up to 30 days on site.
● Unique design makes the whole part move down, so centre of gravity is shifted down, making the machine more stable
● All components are located on both sides of the chassis, making maintenance easier
● Equipped with integrated four-wheel drive system with axles for greater off-road performance
● Container transport available
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